• Ellie Schnitt is an American media personality
• She rose to fame through her posts on her Instagram and Twitter accounts
• She was hired by Barstool Sports in 2018, relocated to New York and had a successful career there
• She left the company in 2020 amidst rumours of not being on good terms with her former boss, Dave Portnoy
• Her exit generated mixed reactions from her fans and critics
Do you know why Ellie Schnitt left Barstool?
When a media personality leaves a favourite show, it often leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of adoring fans. This was the case when Ellie Schnitt announced that she was leaving Barstool amidst rumours that she and her former boss, Dave Portnoy, were not on good terms. Her decision to leave was met with mixed reactions from both fans and critics which will be discussed extensively, but first, a brief look into Ellie Schnitt’s background and the start of her career.
Who is Ellie Schnitt?
Not much is known about Ellie’s personal life asides that she was born on 28 June 1996 in Illinois, USA under the cancer star sign. Her parents, Laurie and Ron Schnittman, are said to be of Jewish origin which influenced her upbringing.
According to EverybodyWiki, her mother works in Chicago, at a Jewish Community Centre. Ellie attended a High School in Northbrook from 2010 to 2014 and then graduated from Illinois State University in 2018, with a Bachelor’s degree in English, while focusing on Linguistics. The only other information about her family was a photo she posted with her mother on her Instagram account.
Ellie Schnitt’s Career
Ellie had been posting pictures and videos on her Instagram account since September 2013 but it wasn’t until she moved to twitter that her followers went from 500 to 250,000 within one year! Her quick rise to celebrity status on twitter was because of the hilarious and sometimes witty comments she posted about her own life and also happenings within the society which many people were able to relate with.
She was hired by Barstool Sports in July 2018 where she wrote blog posts which were mostly related to sports. She later launched her podcast “Schnitt Talk” with her producer, Alanna Vizzoni, which was filled with short videos of her discussing embarrassing but hilarious events, similar to the ones she posts on her YouTube channel.
Her fan base grew to about 392,000 followers on Twitter, 130,000 followers on Instagram and 11,000 YouTube subscribers as of September 2019. Since she started working with Barstool, she relocated to New York City where she still resides presently.
Her exit from Barstool
The American starlet’s departure from the popular media company, Barstool, was announced to her fans through her Twitter account.

There was already some speculation among her over 560,000 followers on Twitter after she unfollowed a lot of her former co-workers and also removed the company’s name from her Twitter Bio in September of this year, 2020. This move generated a number of mixed reactions not just within the Twitter community but also other social media platforms.
Some of her fans on Reddit commented about how they found her style of entertainment a lot more realistic, comparing it to her ‘call her daddy’ section which they found to be more entertaining than actual advice. They also expressed their love for her other colleague, Alex, especially when it gets personal, but would rather see a show hosted by Ellie and Sofia, one of another fan favourite.
She was also commended for being un-biased and not throwing her co-workers under the bus which was unlike every other barstool pod even though some of them might have been involved in some form of shady business. Another distraught fan also wrote that if Ellie was to finally end up leaving barstool, especially with Alex’s underperformance at the show, she was going to be done with it.
Ellie’s exit came in the wake of accusations labelled against her over comments she made which supported “the burning of buildings” during the protests which took place earlier in the year. She was tagged a racist among other names by Kirk Minihane, who seemed to have a personal vendetta against her after she made derogatory remarks about him in one of her sessions. The treatment she received during that period is rumoured to have fuelled her decision to leave.
Nonetheless, many people have been upset by her decision to leave.
In response to the rumours which had been going round about her exit from Barstool, Ellie posted on her twitter account that she was wanted to address why she went on a prolonged absence from twitter, the birth place of her celebrity status, for about two months. She then went on to confirm that she had in fact made the decision to leave Barstool Sports. Ellie thanked her co-workers for helping her grow in the last two years to be able to perform a job she was proud of, but was now ready to take up a new challenge. She also thanked all her fans as well as critics who listened to Schnitt Talk and specially acknowledged Alanna, her producer, for all the work that was done to make the show a fun success.
She stated that she was happy to be back on twitter and promised to never leave again.
Though her response was filled with gratitude to those she had worked with in recent years, the media starlet did not give any explanation as to why she chose to leave the sports giant. She is not the first to have left the platform, several others like Trillz have also parted ways with them. Many suggest that these exits may be due to the ill-treatment meted out to the Barstool employees by the site founder, Dave Portnoy. Unfortunately, there is no way to confirm the validity of these reports but that hasn’t stopped people from speculating. While most of the reactions were in favour of her leaving the website, others were still sceptical about the outcome. A fan from twitter likened her leaving Barstool to ‘the career women abandoning their racist boyfriends’ and was quite pleased with her decision.
Despite the criticism Dave Portnoy has been facing, he has continued to be successful particularly in stock earnings and global monetary observation. He was even able to have a personal meeting with President Trump where they exchanged ideas and discussed their opinions on common interests. He also enjoys engaging with his fans across his various social media accounts.
Though Ellie took a long hiatus from Twitter before announcing that she was leaving the media company, fans have welcomed her and are optimistic about her new plans which she is yet to reveal.
Ellie Schnitt’s Net worth
Her net worth is estimated at $5 million dollars which she generates mostly from her short YouTube videos. As of 2020, she is rumoured to earn about $100 thousand annually.
More about Ellie Schnitt
Ellie is said to be about 5ft 1ins (1.55m) tall and loves to sing. When she’s not making funny videos online, she’s relaxing by the pool and sharing savvy pictures with her fans. The media personality was very vocal about her support for the ‘Black Lives Matter Movement’ which caused her some backlash during the period. She was also a member of the Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority while at her state university and has been open about her struggles with mental health and journey through therapy.
Where to find Ellie Schnitt
You can follow her via her Twitter handle @holy_schnitt, her instagram handle @ellie_schnitt , her facebook page or YouTube Channel.